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Thursday, August 20, 2009

you make 95 look good!

On Sunday we celebrated my grandfather's 95th birthday! He is doing so well...it is really quite amazing! What is his secret you ask? He takes great care of himself, he stays busy, he naps and goes to bed early, he works in his garden, he sun bathes, he has a positive attitude, he works through his aches and pains instead of taking medication when he can.

I was lucky enough to interview him a few years back and I created a scrapbook about his life. It was fascinating hearing the stories of growing up in orphanages and participating in the Olympics!!

Katelyn had tons of fun on the farm too!
This is the messiest I've ever seen her and Zack was slightly flipping out LOL! We drove his car over. LOL!
We ventured into the garden and sampled some of the yummy vine ripened tomatoes. Bean didn't like them so much.

Then she discovered the dirt and rocks! I actually laid out a blanket with some of my old dolls, which she normally LOVES playing with, but she completely ignored and played in the dirt!

It was pretty warm and Bean was quite dirty so we turned on the sprinklers!!!

Needless to say, Katelyn was pretty upset when it was time to turn off the sprinklers and head home.

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