...one of those stories...
it's no secret...katelyn LOVES bath time. the other night she was happily playing in the water, spraying herself with her new bath shower thingy when she had a lil gas. you could see the bubbles..hee hee! she then said "potty mama." i tried to get her to get out of the tub and sit on the toilet (still trying to conquer the whole potty training at home thing!) but of course, she did not want to leave her beloved bath. i tried explaining to her that i will put her back in the tub as soon as she was done going potty. but she wasn't having it! she said "potty" a few more times and tooted some more.
***if you aren't into poop stories that only a mom can laugh at, stop reading here***
well one of her toots produced some poop!
i pulled her out of the tub and put her on the big girl potty. she was really upset and cried the whole time i drained the tub, cleaned the tub, and refilled it back up with clean hot water and a new set of clean toys.
wait, there is more...i swear i LOL every time i think about it or tell this story. and yes. i've been telling this to quite a few people!
although she didn't poop on the toilet she still had gas when she returned to the tub and after each toot she quickly looked behind her to see if there was any popp! it was so darn funny! and i was laughing so hard! with her, not at her, of course. actually i was trying to hide my amusement so she wouldn't be embarrassed. wouldn't want to embarrass the poor girl, right? i am sure sharing this story on blog isn't embarrassing, right?
yah, i think this is going to be one of those stories (like me wiping my mouth with my underwear story which my mom LOVES to tell!)
and some photos of course. just trying to document more of The Everyday.