a note to my photog friends...we have very poor light in our living room- only 2 can lights that are strangely placed. i shot thes photos at a very high ISO 1600-3200. therefore you see alot of grain. i was able to remove some with my Noiseware software...BUT i still like them better than if i used my flash on them. the darkness lends to the mood- cold winter night, cozy and cuddly in our pjs admiring our sparkly christmas tree. these softly glowing photo tells the story better than if these photos were taken with my flash (think falt, too bright photos). see what i am saying?? crank up that ISO!!
ok onto our regularly scheduled blog post...
prepare yourself....this is going to be one of those posts where i say a lot of words :) reminds me of the Bachelorette when Ed was drunk and Jillian was trying to have a serious convo with him and he just stared at her blankly and said something like "those are a lot of words you are saying to me" too darn funny!
the christmas tree went up on Saturday. Bean was a BIG help. I would unwrap and unpack the ornaments and she would hand them to me as i hooked them on the tree. she would then put away the empty boxes. we only had 2 casualties: 1. glass butterfly she smashed together with another glass butterfly and 2. a brand new ornament that i dropped :( so sad it didn't even make it on the tree. i am tempted to go buy it again :)
zack took pics of us decorating but i can guarantee you you won't see those b/c i look humungo!!! in sweats. no make up. blah!
you see ALL THE ORNAMENTS on the our tree?? i get so much grief from Zack about the boxes and tubs of Cmas Decor. but i love it! i jam pack our tree with all these wonderful ornaments. we only get to enjoy them for a short time each year and i want to to the fullest! this year i explained to Bean...grammy betty made this one, nonnie made this one, this is mommy when she was in first grade, this was given to you by grandma and grandpa for your 1st christmas, mommy and daddy got this in NY and this one in love love it!
katelyn loves pointing out the baby sleeping, mickey mouse, mermaid....i love seeing the lights from the tree in her eyes. it makes this season so magical!
on Dec 1 we started the advent calendar (i do have pics of that and will share later). it has been fun finding lil trinkets and surprises to fill up the 25 pockets. every night after dinner we all go over the calendar and pick the surprise out of the pocket! bean gets so tickled!
Dec 1- jingle bell necklace
Dec 2- K shaped post it pad
Dec 3- Pooh & Tigger stickers
other goodies will include: hair clips, socks, toothbrush, this really cool light up thing i found at much fun!
our Holiday Cards are here! can't wait to get them out on Monday.
my body is telling me TO SLOW DOWN!
tonight after packaging up goodies for Zack's office i had real bad cramps. like they hurt to the touch. it reminded me of the time when i had excruciating pains when i was pregnant with bean. i actually had to go to the hospital and they gave me something to help with the cramping. luckily after a rest on the couch the pains subsided. thanks zack for helping out and letting me lay low for a bit.
LOVE this time of year and all that we have planned!
dinner dates and parties
Niles Christmas Train with Grandma and Grandpa
friends from out of town/state visiting
wrapping gifts
yummy baked goods
christmas music
gingerbread lattes
ok, back to editing....