...i am here...
It is interesting to find out how much free time you have when your computer is in the shop!! I still have my work laptop and that has internet access, but I am not on it much other than work. I've actually enjoyed my free time. Here is what I've been up to:
Reading The Glass Castle (borrowed from a friend- Thanks, T!)
Watched Yes, Man with Zack.
Got caught up on Desperate Housewives and Brother and Sisters. Still terribly behind on 24 (Zack and I are planning on making a night of it- a 24 Marathon!), Lost and a couple others.
Playing on the floor with Katelyn with her babies and blankets.
Had a newborn shoot this past weekend. Baby M was precious!
My Session with Caleb is postponed due to the weather. Enough rain already!!
OOhing and AAAhing over the beautiful clothes Emily gave Bean- she is set!
Hung out at one of my customer's 5th anniversary celebration with friends. Man, it was exhausting but fun! Hope to share those pics with you when I get my computer back.
Going to the gym!
Going to bed at a decent hour.
Showing our house. We have had 7 or 8 showings. The feedback has been good. Still waiting on an offer! It is fun scrambling to get us all out of the house- said very sarcastically!
We are going to start looking at houses so we aren't homeless :)
Here is what I've been negelcting since I don't have my computer:
Other fun KLP Marketing projects