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Friday, February 27, 2009


Katelyn is 18 months...or a year and half old today!!! I say it every month, but my goodness! where has the time gone???
at 18 months, Katelyn...
*still loves her babies!
*still wears size 4 diapers and shoes, 6-12mo, 9mo, 12, 12-18mo clothing.
*weighs 19 lbs.
*has 12 teeth.
*isn't too interested in baby food, but also isn't too interested in people food.
*still LOVES her milk!
*loves snacks (just like her momma!)
*still loves her bath, but also likes showering with momma.
*RUNS everywhere!!
*likes to smell her stinky feet (and everyone else's!!)
*is quite the lil lover and snuggler.
*still LOVES the Backyardigans.
*waves hi and bye to just about anyone or anything.
*sings and does the hand motions to the Itsy Bitsy Spider.
*likes to play hide n seek with Daddy.
*is a pretty good listener.
*likes to help around the house, especially throwing stuff away.
*is quite the fisherwoman (gotta get pics of that).
*still likes talking on the phone. her little voice and jibber jabber are the cutest!
*loves saying "doh!" and "uh oh"

practicing her bubbles:

We also want to send a very special birthday wish to Great Grandpa Roe!!! We are so looking forward to seeing you and Great Grandma Roe in May! We can't wait to play on the floor with you and chase you around!!

We have this photo framed on our TV stand and everyday Katelyn either says hi to it or gives it a kiss.

And gotta give Sophie some blog lovin'!! Her and Katelyn are quite the pair.

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